1st Webinar series on the technical WPs

On 17/12/2024, the 1st Webinar Series on the technical WPs was hosted online by TU Delft. The event consisted in the leader of each Technical Work Package of the APRIORI Network presented a 15-minute seminar on the core progress and future planning of their WP. Thus, Elke Deckers (KU Leuven), Oswaldo Napoles (TU Delft) and Dunja Mladenić (JSI) gave their presentations regarding WP 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

All of the hired DCs were present during the activity, along with other representatives from QLector, AAU, Materialise and Grundfos. This was a key moment to provide an overview of all the sections and current work of the fellows within the Network, highlighting similarities among the projects and increasing the possibility of future collaboration.

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